ISAKOS grants Dr. Timo Järvelä international training rights for educating young orthopaedic surgeons worldwide

ISAKOS grants Dr. Timo Järvelä international training rights for educating young orthopaedic surgeons worldwide

Orthopaedic surgeon and Associate Professor, Dr. Timo Järvelä has built a pioneering career in the treatment and research of knee injuries during the last 15 years. He is an internationally respected expert and trainer in the field of knee surgery. Among other things, Dr. Järvelä has focused on the development and research of the new double bundle technique in the treatment of ACL injuries. Dr. Järvelä and his research team have published several long term (up to 10 year follow-up) studies in single and double bundle ACL reconstructions. They have also been awarded various international and national knee research prizes.

Dr. Järvelä gives lectures and training in international events worldwide on a regular basis. He has already trained dozens of orthopaedic surgeons in Mehiläinen Tampere through ESSKA, the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthorscopy.

ISAKOS (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine) is an international organization that wants to advance the training and research of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine. Granting of the ISAKOS training rights is an outstanding acknowledgement to Dr. Järvelä for his work and a clear demonstration that the orthopaedic training capabilities within the Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Center Mehiläinen, Tampere, where Dr. Järvelä currently works, are world class.

Tampere Knee Ligament Fellowship -Program

In addition to working in Mehiläinen Tampere, Dr. Järvelä is the Program Chair of the Tampere Knee Ligament Fellowship –Program. Now that Dr. Järvelä has the ISAKOS international training rights of young orthopaedic surgeons, the Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Center Mehiläinen Tampere is becoming an even larger orthopaedic training center for knee injuries in the future.

The Tampere Knee Ligament Fellowship –Program gives young orthopaedic surgeons the opportunity to observe, participate and learn various kinds of endoscopic knee surgeries in the guidance of a widely experienced expert. Additionally, the participants have the chance to do clinical research. Two young orthopaedic surgeons are accepted yearly in this program the duration of which is 3 months. The program has raised a lot of interest and applications to participate have been received from all across the world.

Dr. Timo Järvelä has 15 years of experience in using the Inion Hexalon Interference Screw

As mentioned previously, Dr. Järvelä and his research team have done a lot of research and published dozens of articles on the single and double-bundle ACL reconstruction techniques. The biodegradable Inion HexalonTM Interference Screw has been used in many of these studies. Therefore, with 15 years’ experience, Dr. Järvelä is a true expert in using Inion Hexalon.

If you would like to know more about his research, here is a link to one of his studies “Anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using soft tissue interference screw fixation”:

Picture 1: Biodegradable Inion Hexalon Interference Screw

Here’s a link to all the international ISAKOS Fellowship Programs, you can find this particular program under “FINLAND”:

A link to the Finnish article on the granting of the ISAKOS training rights to Dr. Järvelä, published on the webpages of Mehiläinen: